Puberty education varies widely. Here’s a science-based ‘period talk’ to inform both kids and adults

Listen to Short Wave on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

When and how people receive puberty education varies greatly. Some are taught according to thorough curricula; others spend hours searching for answers to their questions online.

Short Wave co-host Emily Kwong is in the first category. When 10-year-old Emily first learned about periods, she asked her mom for diagrams and procedures — because information is comforting. On the other hand, when 10-year old Short Wave producer Margaret Cirino first learned about periods, she was confused and a little scared.

Fast forward a decade or so … and there is a lot that adult Emily and adult Marge still don’t know about their periods!

That’s why today Emily and Marge team up to provide a new and improved period talk. They chat with Kristyn Brandi, an OB/GYN and family planning doctor, and Mandi Tembo, a

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This Month at DE: January

Welcome back! As we jump into January, we invite you and your students to continue our exploration of our phenomenal world—from the far reaches of outer space to the inspiring words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. Check out the latest timely learning resources from Discovery Education that will engage your students in new ways, just in time for the new year!

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Channel

Grades K-12

Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to honor the pastor who led and inspired others to demand equal rights. Dr. King advocated for peaceful resistance to unfair laws and to this day, continues to inspire people around the world to work for freedom and equality. 

For 6-12 students, listen to the new 60-Second Civics podcasts from Center for Civic Education that explore Dr. King’s 6 Principles of Nonviolence

For 3-8 students, share the latest video Holiday Kids: Martin

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Vision Board Ideas for Students

At the start of every new year, conversations often turn to one thing: goal-setting. If you’re looking for a fun, creative way to help your students set clear intentions, why not try a vision board? Vision boards are a powerful tool to help students visualize their academic and personal goals. The visuals on the board are meant to serve as a reminder of what the future can look and feel like, if your students take the necessary steps to achieve their goals.

Ready to get started? Learn how to make a vision board in class, and discover some vision board ideas for students below. 

How to Make a Vision Board for Students 

Before students can begin creating their vision boards, they’ll need to first define their goals and areas of growth. After all, if they don’t know where they want to go, they won’t be able to visualize the path

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How To Set Up a Sound Wall in Your Classroom

All the conversations happening about literacy learning and the science of reading definitely encourage teachers and schools to look carefully at their instructional practices—and, often, to explore new ones that help kids. One of these is the sound wall. Check out these fantastic resources to get you started using one in your classroom.

What is a sound wall?

This student resource shows the 44 phonemes (sounds) in the English language. It includes consonant sounds and vowel sounds and the various ways to spell each sound.

How is a sound wall different from a word wall?

A sound wall is not a word wall. These two resources are different because:

  • To use a word wall, one must be able to read the words, so kids often need teacher help. A sound wall encourages independent use. It helps kids progress from what they can do—say sounds—to what they are learning to do—spell
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What To Expect From A TeachThought PD PBL Workshop –

by Drew Perkins, Director of TeachThought PD

Inquiry is one of my passions. In fact, I view it as a sort of superpower that enables us to navigate the kinds of diverse set of scenarios and problems that our modern world continually throws our way. That’s why all of our work with schools and teachers is through the lens of inquiry. To take it a step further, that’s why the TeachThought PD project-based learning model starts with and emphasizes what we call, ‘Rich Inquiry‘ as a lever to unlock deeper learning and critical thinking.

Because inquiry is such an important feature in our project-based learning workshops and support, participating teachers engage in multiple inquiry exercises and activities that we believe are impactful tools both in and outside of PBL. We want to model best practice so we invite workshop participants to enter into the learning process at

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