Current Structure of Pharmacy in Indonesia


The structure of pharmacy in Indonesia is a complex and evolving system designed to address the diverse healthcare needs of its population. From regulatory frameworks to professional practices, the current structure of pharmacy in Indonesia reflects a blend of traditional practices and modern advancements. This article provides an overview of the key components of the current pharmacy structure in Indonesia, including regulatory bodies, professional organizations, educational institutions, and the evolving role of pharmacists in healthcare delivery. Visit

Regulatory Framework

  1. National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM)

The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) is the primary regulatory authority overseeing the pharmaceutical sector in Indonesia. Established in 1999, BPOM is responsible for ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of drugs, food products, and cosmetics. The agency plays a critical role in enforcing regulations, conducting inspections, and approving new drugs and medical devices.

BPOM’s responsibilities include:

  • Drug
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Unlocking Opportunities: Exploring Careers in Higher Education

The realm of higher education offers a diverse array of career paths beyond traditional teaching roles. From academic administration to student affairs, the opportunities within this sector are as varied as they are rewarding. This article delves into the multifaceted world of higher education jobs, shedding light on the roles, qualifications, and pathways available to aspiring professionals.

The Evolution of Higher Education Careers

As higher education institutions adapt to meet the evolving needs of students and society, the roles within academia have likewise evolved. While teaching and research remain core functions, the demand for skilled professionals in areas such as administration, student services, and online learning has grown significantly.

Exploring Career Paths in Higher Education

Academic Administration

Academic administrators play a pivotal role in shaping the strategic direction and daily operations of colleges and universities. Positions such as deans, provosts, and department chairs require strong leadership, organizational skills, and a …

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Navigating the Landscape of Adult Education: A Comprehensive Guide

In an ever-evolving global economy, the importance of adult education cannot be overstated. From upskilling and reskilling to personal enrichment, adult learners embark on educational journeys for a multitude of reasons. Understanding the nuances of adult education is crucial for educators, policymakers, and learners alike.

The Dynamics of Adult Learning: Unveiling the Complexity

Adult education encompasses a diverse array of learning opportunities tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of adult learners. Unlike traditional pedagogical approaches, adult learning is characterized by its learner-centeredness, emphasizing self-directedness and practical relevance.

Adult learners bring a wealth of life experiences and prior knowledge to the learning environment, shaping their learning trajectories and preferences. As such, educators must adopt flexible teaching methodologies that accommodate varied learning styles and preferences.

Furthermore, adult education extends beyond formal classroom settings, encompassing informal and non-formal learning experiences such as workshops, seminars, and online courses. These alternative learning modalities offer …

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Understanding Educational Psychology: Exploring the Mind in Learning

Unraveling the Complexity of Learning

1. Cognitive Processes:

Educational psychology delves into the intricate cognitive processes involved in learning, including memory, attention, problem-solving, and decision-making. Understanding how learners process information and construct knowledge is essential for effective teaching and instructional design.

2. Motivation and Engagement:

Educational psychologists study the factors that influence learners’ motivation and engagement in educational activities. This includes intrinsic motivators such as curiosity and interest, as well as extrinsic motivators such as rewards and recognition. By understanding motivational dynamics, educators can create learning environments that inspire and empower learners to achieve their full potential.

3. Developmental Psychology:

Developmental psychology plays a crucial role in educational psychology, as it examines how individuals grow and change over time. By understanding the stages of cognitive, social, and emotional development, educators can tailor instruction to meet the unique needs and abilities of learners at different developmental levels.

Applying Psychological Principles to

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Homework That Makes Students Tired A Lot, The Teacher Must Pay Attention To The Following

In fact, teachers still give a lot of homework to their students during the learning process. students lose a lot of time doing other activities, but cannot be done because they are spent on assignments. The function of homework is increasingly being questioned, not only among students, but also parents, to child psychologists.

Basically, homework is one of the instruments used by educators in a series of learning processes that aim to increase students’ understanding of the material being studied and to train students’ sense of responsibility for a task given to them.

The purpose of the homework can only run effectively if the teacher pays attention to the following important things:

A. Clarify homework goals

The purpose of giving homework is only to repeat the material that has been given so that students are assisted in understanding the material they have received. The second purpose is to prepare students …

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