Why Should We Save the Honeybee?

There is much talk about bees and why they are so important to the survival of the humans. People like those at Project Honey Bees are even donating money from the sale of their bee jewlery to ensure that more research can be conducted into the best ways of repopulating various bee species. But why are these little insects so important? And should you be doing more to help? 

What Makes Bees So Special?

To you, bees might be nothing more than a buzzing insect that appears in the spring and summer months. But they are much more important than that. In fact, bees are one of the most important pollinators on Earth. They, along with other insects and many birds, are responsible for the survival of various plants that we and other animals need to survive. 

Without these pollinators, various plants would simply die off and with them the …

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Resources to Help Students Engage in Civics

Every November, American citizens head to the polls to elect, or reelect, government representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. While the act of voting may seem pretty straightforward, the history behind America’s democratic process and how the government works is complex.

Whether you’re looking for Election Day kindergarten activities or getting ready for the politics unit in your high school social studies class, use these activities and lessons to teach your students about voting, elections, and the government. From interactive note-taking activities to units, there are plenty of creative ways to teach students about these important topics and to help them become active and engaged citizens in the future.

Election Activities and Lessons for Your Classroom

Voting and elections are an essential part of American democracy. Check out these lessons and activities to help students understand the history and the fundamentals of the election process. 

Election Printable Activity

Election Printables by

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Toxic Masculinity in Schools is a Problem. Teachers Can Help.

Note: This article contains references to suicide and mass shootings. If it’s better for you to avoid those topics right now, check out one of our other articles.

I was on a walk last weekend and stopped to chat with a neighbor. She asked what we were giving my 17-month-old son for Christmas this year, and I told her that a miniature cutting board and toddler-friendly chopper made the list.

“A kitchen set? For a boy?” she asked. I could tell what she was thinking by the way her eyebrows shot up. Since I know her well enough to joke with her, I jumped in before she could.

“Domestic skills are important for boys too, Marnie!” I chided her, smiling.

She laughed, and we talked about how “rules” about kids’ toys have changed since her children were young. She conceded that maybe it would have been good to let

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What Is The Purpose Of Assessment? –

What is the purpose of assessment?

The purpose of assessment depends on a range of factors, of course. Broadly speaking, the purpose can be whatever the teacher wants it to be. Like pacing guides, apps, books, and more, an assessment is a tool a teacher uses to help students learn.

There are other forms (e.g., multiple-choice, performance-based, etc.) and types of assessment–benchmark, criterion-based, and norm-referenced assessments like the ACT and SAT, for example–whose purpose is often beyond the classroom. Many of these forms communicate to the families of students how that student compares to other students. These are usually age-based in K-12, so all third-graders can be compared. The utility of this form of assessment is fairly limited, useful primarily as a general ‘sense’ of how that student’s development compares to ‘what should be expected’–the expectation (or ‘standard’) being the performance of other children.

The trouble with these forms

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Educational Psychologist Job Profile

Educational PsychologyGrow to be a frontrunner in the fields of educating, studying, human improvement, and behavior in our Educational Psychology applications. To understand the traits of learners in childhood , adolescence , maturity , and old age , educational psychology develops and applies theories of human growth forty seven Often represented as levels via which individuals pass as they mature, developmental theories describe modifications in psychological talents ( cognition ), social roles, moral reasoning, and beliefs about the nature of knowledge.

After I earned my PhD, I bought a job as an academic evaluator for a large, urban school district, as a result of analysis and evaluation had been so much fun. That job actually helped me strengthen my skills, confidence and values as a researcher; enough to want to depart the place and consult in analysis alone. So my specialty within education psychology is analysis. I do all parts of …

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