Homework That Makes Students Tired A Lot, The Teacher Must Pay Attention To The Following

In fact, teachers still give a lot of homework to their students during the learning process. students lose a lot of time doing other activities, but cannot be done because they are spent on assignments. The function of homework is increasingly being questioned, not only among students, but also parents, to child psychologists.

Basically, homework is one of the instruments used by educators in a series of learning processes that aim to increase students’ understanding of the material being studied and to train students’ sense of responsibility for a task given to them.

The purpose of the homework can only run effectively if the teacher pays attention to the following important things:

A. Clarify homework goals

The purpose of giving homework is only to repeat the material that has been given so that students are assisted in understanding the material they have received. The second purpose is to prepare students …

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Why Should We Save the Honeybee?

There is much talk about bees and why they are so important to the survival of the humans. People like those at Project Honey Bees are even donating money from the sale of their bee jewlery to ensure that more research can be conducted into the best ways of repopulating various bee species. But why are these little insects so important? And should you be doing more to help? 

What Makes Bees So Special?

To you, bees might be nothing more than a buzzing insect that appears in the spring and summer months. But they are much more important than that. In fact, bees are one of the most important pollinators on Earth. They, along with other insects and many birds, are responsible for the survival of various plants that we and other animals need to survive. 

Without these pollinators, various plants would simply die off and with them the …

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Home sperm test: what is it?

The home sperm test is a kit which is meant to be preventive. The diagnostic process for a man can be psychologically difficult to undertake. Since most men find it difficult to come to a laboratory, the objective of the home test kit is to allow everyone to perform a sperm test at home in complete discretion and privacy, but also to encourage couples to quickly contact health professionals in case of inconclusive results. The spermcheck fertility home test is the first male fertility self-test on the market. By determining the concentration of sperm cells in the seminal fluid or semen, the test reveals whether the sperm count is normal or low. This means that anyone can test their fertility at home in just a few minutes.

How does the sperm test work?

To perform the test, the semen must be brought into contact with a solution that can determine …

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Benefits of Organizing in Schools

It is undeniable that the majority of students are more focused on getting achievements in the academic field. Even though currently having academic achievements is not enough.

You also need to train or improve soft skills by joining organizations. You can get the benefits of this organization from various activities.

Starting from the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS), MPK, Rohis and many more.

5 Benefits of Organizing at School

School hours are quite busy, which makes many students reluctant to join the organization. Though there are many benefits of organizing that will be felt.

However, there are still many students who think that joining organizations is a waste of time.

However, if you want to improve your soft skills, you should join the organization. Here are some of the benefits that you will feel when you join the organization.

Learn to Manage Time Well

Joining an organization at school means you …

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School Does Not Guarantee Success

EDUCATION IN THE 21st CENTURY - Think Strategic for Schools

Previously, the translation of success was not from a measure of wealth or position that was successfully achieved, but success was being able to live independently, being able to be yourself, not to burden even to the detriment of others. Successful people are people whose existence is full of independence.

Many people succeed without going to school, which means not taking formal education. But many successful people also go through formal school. Perhaps more people have failed miserably precisely because they did not have the opportunity to receive formal education.

Studying in school does not guarantee a person’s success in determining the size of being able to work, have self-esteem and so on. Going to a top, exclusive, high-paying school does not mean anything if the individual does not have a good ethos of learning. Or go to school just to look for status, looking for a diploma. Entering …

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