In fact, teachers still give a lot of homework to their students during the learning process. students lose a lot of time doing other activities, but cannot be done because they are spent on assignments. The function of homework is increasingly being questioned, not only among students, but also parents, to child psychologists.
Basically, homework is one of the instruments used by educators in a series of learning processes that aim to increase students’ understanding of the material being studied and to train students’ sense of responsibility for a task given to them.
The purpose of the homework can only run effectively if the teacher pays attention to the following important things:
A. Clarify homework goals
The purpose of giving homework is only to repeat the material that has been given so that students are assisted in understanding the material they have received. The second purpose is to prepare students to receive new material so that it is easier to grasp the material that will be delivered by the teacher the next day.
B. Adjust the amount of homework with the level of student education
Different levels of student education certainly differ in their ability to carry out the homework assignments they receive. Before giving homework, the teacher must have an idea and estimate how long it will take students to do the homework.
C. Provide feedback
Give homework to students then correct together in class and grade with numbers. This is usually the case when it comes to assigment so far, you can’t be wrong. The system that is already running will be even more optimal if the teacher always provides feedback to his students. This feedback can be in the form of paying attention to students by asking questions that they have not mastered. Thus the teacher can help students who have difficulty on certain questions to be able to better understand. This will also be very useful for students in working on exam questions on other days.
D. Reducing parental involvement
Apart from students, many parents complain because they are assigned the task of helping their children with their homework. This is certainly not appropriate, and will not provide good benefits for children and their parents. The teacher should not give assignments that must involve parents. Therefore, the teacher must know very well the assignments to be given to students, whether they include assignments that can be carried out by students themselves or are not even known by students, so they most likely need help from parents.