The benefits of art learning are not just for adults, but children as well. Some research on the benefits of art learning on young children has been done from year to year. Although from different ages, it shows positive results on the benefits of art learning for child. The benefits of learning art for children include:
Enhance creativity
Children have an incredible imagination. Imagination can be developed for the future to be better again by way of learning art. Creative is not only limited in drawing, but also can in making 3D art. Examples are like clay sculptures, dance moves, making beautiful articles, and others.
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How to develop this art can be done by fostering children, to see how expansive the art world. Bringing to the museum and explaining about art, coming to a piano concert and attracting interest in music, and more. The mentors described are not for demands, but by allowing children to imagine freely with adult guidance. A common mistake art education often does not allow children to express and demand “art” is taught.
Learn to more mature mindset
Adult mindset can be built from an early age and can be guided by using art. Children do not generally accept advice or advice from parents because they do not understand. Through children’s curiosity about art, make them hear better suggestions.
Learn to solidarity attitude
Some works of art should be done in groups, so it takes solidarity. Examples of activities done in groups are dancing, playing music, making workshops, and also drawing. Children working in groups doing artwork will collaborate with each other to create a new creativity.
Raises unyielding character
The benefits of learning art also to build a character does not give up easily. Children who learn art, with the right impulse, want to make their artwork better in the future. Learning art in general can be done in two ways namely self-taught and with guidance. For children it may be better to do it with guidance, because at first the children can move away faster.
Learn to appreciate the work
The most important thing of the benefits of learning art for children is to cultivate an appreciation of the work. Learning to appreciate the work of others must be done from the beginning, because the appreciation will be very valuable to the creator. The way to teach appreciation is by bringing it to an artistic place and teaching it art. Through coaching, children will understand how beautiful and deep the art world is, so they can appreciate the work better.